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Soling Europeans Underway

Soling European Championship - Soling Europeans Underway
TORBOLE, ITALY-(3-9-2003) The first race was delayed by rain and calm until 3pm when a 15 knot gradient Peler filled in across the course. Those on the right end of the line – Carl Haist (GER 308), George Wossala (HUN 77), Roman Koch (GER 300), Thomas Jakobowitz (AUT 1), Markus Schneeberger (AUT 73) and Peter Mosny (SVK 1) – benefited greatly from a progressiv 20° veer and led around the weather mark which was close to the torbole shore. Haist soon passed Mosny and took over the lead which he succesfully defended from Wossala, Jakobowitz and Schneeberger. Gyenese Balazs, who had been on the wrong side of the initial shift, gradually worked through the fleet down two runs and three beats, but could not catch Haist.

1.GER 308 Haist / Max Haist / Simon Haist
2.HUN 1 Gyenese / Gyula / Vezer
3.HUN 77 Wossala / Kovasci / Nemeth
4.AUT 1 Jakobowitz / Ulrich / Kingler
5.AUT 73 Schneeberger / Moser / Panek
6.SVK 1 Mosny / Anton / Mosny

Report by Stu Walker

After a long delay race 2 got under way with 2-3 bft. and it was a race of extremes. Shortly after the start, the fleet splitted and all sailing right, tacking on the layline, had a big advantage against the others on the middle and left side. Every beat has to be done with only one tack and this paid at the end! Haist had a good start again, went right and had a comfortable lead with 100 meters in front of the pack. The rest was very close together and fighting hard around the course, so lots of changes and at the end Haist won in front of Antoncic from Slovenja and Balazs coming up from 9th at the first mark. Woss! ala came in 5th, Koch, one of the left hand side leaders after the start, finished 9th.

The third race was started in same conditions and again the right hand was much better; also no tacking! Brazil Cunha lead with 100 meters and the fleet behind was extremly close. On the second beat, the left side became better and so it mixed up a little bit. Cunha lead, but Netherlands Southend was second and Antoncic third. Very hard fights again through the course at the next runs and beats and at the end Cunha won in front of Koch, who managed the way from 12th at the first mark through the fleet mark by mark and Antoncic third. Balazs followed as 7th, Haist 10th and Wossala 16th.

The club offered an incredible evening!!!! A very very good diner with lots of good specialities, good vine and dessert, followed by an extremly good two-man-band at the bar, doing a great job, so lots of sailors danced till late night (or early morning...s! mile...)!

Todays forecast is not so good; rain at night and now the sky is cloudy and the chances for a good Ora are bad. Till now, we had only light winds and this is not normal for Lake Garda! Lets hope for the normal, windy conditionts!

Source: Matias Collins

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